No sooner than they arrive, Erik feels let down that he and Cooze will be rooming separately, with Cooze in a single room and him sharing another. Erik is no longer with Tracy, his girlfriend in the last film, as she has left him for her ex-boyfriend Trent, leaving Erik an unconfident shell of his former self. Fate, however, intervenes, and Erik meets a girl named Ashley in the coed bathrooms, courtesy of his more party prone, sex crazed cousin Dwight. Things seem to be going well for him during this brief introduction; however, it is cut short when Erik urinates on his pants. Michael J.Brosenberg is his other room-mate who is never seen throughout the movie, but mentioned. His character symbolically represents boredom and never wants to have fun in the Beta House. Then Erik quickly leaves and finally meets his room-mate and future BETA brother Bobby. Erik is fairly grossed out as Bobby is having sex with his girlfriend right before his eyes whilst cooking bratwurst and engaging Erik in the awkward "getting to know you stage." From there, the boys go through a long list of trials to get into the BETA fraternity; for example getting their asses signed by a stripper, having sex with a professor,marrying your male friend by going to Canada and placing a live ostrich in the GEEK fraternity house.
It is only after they complete their final task which involves stealing something from the GEEK house that Edgar, the GEEK's president, challenges the BETA's to the Greek Olympiad. The loser, as a result, will give up their charter and be evicted from their house. It is revealed beforehand by Rock, Dwight's former nemesis, that due to an altercation between Edgar and a sheep, Rock's entire fraternity was kicked off campus; although Dwight is somewhat hesitant, Rock states that what they had was a rivalry and that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." The first competition is won by Beta House in which Dwight and Edgar compete by removing the bras from the body of girls. The next two competition are lost by Beta House which consisted of "Light sabers Dual" and catching a greased up pig. When the BETA's and GEEK's reach the final challenge, they use Edgar's fetish for sheep against him, which ultimately costs him and his house the tournament. The BETA's win and Mr. Levinstein, as the officiate, hands over the golden hammer to Dwight, who, as he accepts it, says, "Betas for life!" Afterwards, the BETA's having moved into their new mansion, courtesy of the GEEKs, hold a massive toga party, where Cooze, much to his relief, finally sleeps with Denise and all suspicions of her being a man are gone. She simply has the rare female ability to ejaculate. As the morning comes, BETA president Wesley wakes up finally believing that his curse as the blackout menace is over, only to hear the toilet flush and is confronted with the female bodybuilder formerly of the GEEK house. At the end of the credits,the last scene shows Edgar hanging out at the Silver Dollar sniffing the sheep costume headpiece used earlier and giving it to a passing stripper, instructing her to use it for her next dance.