The American Pie film series is a series of teen films conceived by Adam Herz. The first film in the franchise was originally released on July 9, 1999, by Universal Pictures, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels, released at two-year intervals. Two years after the release of the original series' third and final film, the first of a number of spin-off films was released, instead released at one-year to two-year intervals, with the fourth spin-off released on December 22, 2009.
Throughout the original series, Jim Levenstein (Jason Biggs) develops a relationship with his school classmate Michelle Flaherty (Alyson Hannigan), and along with his best friends Kevin Myers (Thomas Ian Nicholas), Paul Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) and Chris Ostreicher (Chris Klein), attempts to lose his virginity. In the second and third films, with Steve Stifler (Seann William Scott), the friends host a summer party and plan the Levenstein-Flaherty wedding. The spin-off series revolves around relatives of Stifler, including his brother Matt (Tad Hilgenbrink) and cousins Erik (John White), Dwight (Steve Talley), Scott (John Patrick Jordan), and their respective friends attempting similar activities.
The original series, produced on a total budget of US$95 million, grossed $754 million worldwide. The spin-off films were released direct-to-video. The series has developed a cult following. Critics have given the original trilogy mixed reviews, and overlooked the spin-off series. The series has been released on DVD.
Throughout the original series, Jim Levenstein (Jason Biggs) develops a relationship with his school classmate Michelle Flaherty (Alyson Hannigan), and along with his best friends Kevin Myers (Thomas Ian Nicholas), Paul Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) and Chris Ostreicher (Chris Klein), attempts to lose his virginity. In the second and third films, with Steve Stifler (Seann William Scott), the friends host a summer party and plan the Levenstein-Flaherty wedding. The spin-off series revolves around relatives of Stifler, including his brother Matt (Tad Hilgenbrink) and cousins Erik (John White), Dwight (Steve Talley), Scott (John Patrick Jordan), and their respective friends attempting similar activities.
The original series, produced on a total budget of US$95 million, grossed $754 million worldwide. The spin-off films were released direct-to-video. The series has developed a cult following. Critics have given the original trilogy mixed reviews, and overlooked the spin-off series. The series has been released on DVD.
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